1995 Sermon Art
Delivered On: May 28, 1995
Scripture: Romans 13:1-7
Book of the Bible: Romans
Sermon Summary:

Dr. Jim Dixon discusses the “two swords” mentioned in the Bible. One sword is given to civil authorities for law enforcement, and Christians are encouraged to respect the role of government. The second sword is the Word of God, given to the church to combat spiritual darkness. Dr. Dixon urges believers not to lay down this powerful sword and to rely on the Holy Spirit’s inspiration in their ministry.

From the Sermon Series: 1995 Single Sermons

ROMANS 13:1-7
MAY 28, 1995

First Night is the name of a forthcoming movie that will be released this summer. It stars Sean Connery and Richard Gere and it is a retelling of the story of King Arthur and the Knights of the Roundtable. The legend of King Arthur has fascinated people of all ages for many centuries. Some historians and archeologists actually believe that the legend has some basis in fact. Some historians, for instance, believe that there really was a King Arthur who ruled England five hundred years after Christ. Some archeologists believe there really was a Camelot. They believe that Cadbury Castle in the region of Somerset, the ruins of which today are little more than a grassy hill, was actually the Camelot of old. Some historians believe that the Holy Grail, the cup of Christ that Christ used at the Last Supper, was actually brought from Israel to England by Joseph of Arimathea and guarded by his descendants. There’s a few people who actually believe that cup remains lost or buried or hidden somewhere in England today.

But there’s one part of the Arthur legend that nobody believes and nobody’s buying, and that’s the whole story of Excalibur King Arthur’s sword. According to one legend, King Arthur received Excalibur, received that sword from the Lady of the Lake, an enchantress who lived beneath a mystical pool. Nobody believes that. According to another legend, Arthur drew the sword from a block of stone, proving that he was the rightful recipient of this divine gift. Nobody believes that either. Nobody believes that God gave a magical sword to this King of England.

Now the Bible doesn’t have much to say about swords but the Bible does mention two swords and the Bible tells us that there are two swords that God has given to this world. Two swords far more powerful, far more important than Excalibur. These two swords are so important that we really could have a sermon devoted to each of them but we’re going to try to deal at least briefly with both swords this morning.

The first sword, the Bible tells us God has given to the civil authorities. The first sword, the Bible tells us, God has given to earthly government. It is the sword of law enforcement. It is the sword of criminal justice. The Bible tells us that God has instituted earthly government and God has given earthly government the sword and God expects earthly government to use the sword to deter evil. In this way earthly governments, the Bible tells us, are God’s servants and God expects the fear of the sword to be upon every wrongdoer. God expects earthly governments and civil authorities to use the sword to execute the wrath of God upon evildoers.

Now I think it is obvious biblically and theologically that the sword would not need to have been given if evil had not entered our world. If we were still in Eden, if we were still in the garden of God, there would be no need for this sword. But we read in the Bible how evil did come into our world and how humankind fell. And in Genesis, chapter 4, we read how Cain murdered his brother, Abel, and obviously there is a need for civil authority, there is a need for earthly government, there is a need for law enforcement, there is a need for criminal justice, there is a need for this sword.

Now this is Memorial Day Weekend. Tomorrow is Memorial Day and we remember those who gave their lives in the service of this nation, those who fought in the Civil War, those who fought in the Spanish-American War, those who fought and died in World War I or World War II, or the Korean War or the Vietnam War. In virtually every case, our government, when it has called this nation to war, has at least allegedly proclaimed that we were seeking to deter evil. Is that not true? Taking up the sword to deter evil. That’s what God expects government to do, internationally and nationally. This is the purpose of federal, state, county, and city government: to deter evil. We understand that in this nation from the Army to the Navy to the Air Force to the Marines. The purpose is primarily to deter evil. From the CIA to the FBI to the IRS, the purpose is primarily to deter evil. In the sight of God, this is the purpose of human government.

Of course, there are problems. All earthly governments are flawed and evil continues to flourish on the earth. Here in the United States of America, we have the highest crime rate of any nation in the western world, the highest crime rate though we spend billions of dollars annually in an effort to deter crime. Of course, there is also the problem that throughout history earthly governments have sometimes misused the sword. It is true. There have been times throughout history when earthly governments have misused this sword given by God and they have actually, instead of using the sword to deter evil, sometimes earthly governments have actually used the sword to serve evil. This is true to some extent in every nation, even in our nation because, you see, all government agencies are staffed by people, and people are fallen.

According to TIME MAGAZINE, 47% of the people in the United States of America have some measure of significant resentment and hostility towards the United States government, 47%. Maybe some of you this morning have some hostility towards the United States government. Maybe you feel like you’ve been used or maybe you feel like you’ve been abused. I can understand that.

A few years ago, Barb and I received a letter from the IRS. We were told that three years prior, we had filed a false tax return. We were told that we had claimed too much money as a deduction in our housing allowance. As a clergy person, under the law, we are entitled to a housing allowance, but the IRS said we put too much money into the housing allowance and that we now owed more taxes, back taxes. We also owed three years of interest on those taxes plus we owed penalties. In the aggregate, we need to send the American government, we need to send the IRS, $2,000. So Barb and I scraped the money together. But before we sent the money in, I rechecked the tax laws and it seemed to me that we had done everything in conformity to the tax laws, so I wrote a letter to the IRS. I cited the various tax laws and I stated that I believed we were in compliance. They wrote me back and they cited other laws and they said “You’re not in compliance” and they said “Remit the $2,000 immediately.” So Barb and I scraped the $2,000 together and we sent the money in.

Then I was talking to a tax expert, and he said…I explained the whole thing and he said “Well, you know, you were perfectly within the law. You were properly using the clergy housing allowance and they should not have penalized you like this.” I said “What do I do?” He said “Well, you’ve got to understand that at the IRS…just imagine a big room with a whole bunch of people working. Your letter went to one of the desks in this big room. People are having good days and people are having bad days. Some people know the law really well. Some people don’t know it so well. Maybe someone didn’t fully understand the tax laws for the clergy, the person you wrote to. But let me take care of it. I know how to deal with the IRS.”

So he wrote them a letter in Barb’s and my behalf and soon we got a letter back from the IRS admitting that they were wrong, admitting that they were wrong and that we had done everything properly and that we really didn’t owe them money and we shouldn’t have had to pay the penalty and we shouldn’t have had to pay the extra interest. They said, however, that they could not return our $2,000 and they cited another law saying that in order for me to get the money back I would have to take court action. Then they explained how I could take court action.

Well, I called this tax expert and I said “What do I do?” He was already in receipt of the same letter and he said “Well, I would not recommend that you take the IRS to court.” He said, “You’ll win. They’ve already acknowledged that you were right but I still wouldn’t recommend you do it!” I said, “Why is that?” He said, “Because if you take them to court, even if you win, they will hound you and harass you the rest of your life.” I said, “Is this the United States government?”

Well, you see, I think it is true. I think it is true that sometimes government agencies are abusive. Just like everything else, because the world is fallen. We’re fallen. But I want you to know Barb and I still pay our takes today. We are not in rebellion. We pay our taxes today and we seek to conform to every detail of the tax laws. Why do we do that? We do that because of what the Bible says. The Bible says “Be subject to the governing authorities! Be subject. Pay taxes to whom taxes are due. Revenue to whom revenue is due. Respect to whom respect is due. Honor to whom honor is due.” That is God’s command for us as believers in Jesus Christ. Be subject to the governing authority.

A lot of hostility towards the government today and, of course the whole tragedy with Timothy McVeigh and others who perhaps were involved in the Oklahoma City bombing. What a travesty. What a nightmare. And all because of some fringe groups that are enraged at the United States government, to the point where they are taking up arms. Of course, in a recent issue of the U.S. NEWS AND WORLD REPORT the cover story says ‘They’re armed. Are they dangerous?’ Similar cover stories are on TIME MAGAZINE, NEWSWEEK dealing with paramilitary groups across this nation. The issue really isn’t the right to bear arms. The issue is attitude toward government. There’s a warning for us as Christians. “Be subject to the governing authorities.” I mean, armed rebellion against government is not new even in this nation. From the Whiskey Rebellion of the 1790’s to the Weather Underground of the 1960’s, there have been many instances of armed rebellion in this nation.

But as Christians, God would caution us. He would even caution us regarding silent rebellion such as not paying your taxes. The injunction that is given to us as sons and daughters of God, believers in Jesus Christ, the injunction is clear: Be subject to the governing authorities.

You know, when Paul wrote those words under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, he was living under the Roman government. When Peter wrote similar words in 1 Peter, chapter 2, “Be subject to the governing authorities,” he was living under a corrupt Roman government. However corrupt America’s government might be, it pales when compared to the corruption of Rome. There are really only two instances biblically where we, as Christians, are given permission to participate in civil disobedience. One is when the government of the nation in which we reside does not allow us to proclaim the gospel. If we live in a nation where the government does not allow us to proclaim the gospel, then we are to go ahead and proclaim the gospel even though it involves civil disobedience. You can read about that in Acts, chapter 5, how Peter and the apostles were brought before the governing authorities. They were told “Do not preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.” They said “We must disobey you because there is a higher authority in our lives and it is the Lord Jesus Christ.”

The other instance biblically where Christians are given permission to participate in civil disobedience is when the government has become anti-Christ. This is far more difficult and somewhat subjective. Certainly, in the book of Revelation we are told that Antichrist is coming. A hideous diabolical power. At the consummation of the age, Antichrist will seek power over every tribe and tongue and people and nation, will seek to establish a one-world government. Many of the nations of the world and their respective governments will come under the umbrella of the Antichrist government. The Bible tells us that that Antichrist government will seek to try to control citizens and require a number for people in order to buy or sell, and the Bible encourages at that point civil disobedience for Christians. We are not to receive that number.

Of course, the question that Christian theologians often debate is “Well, is it possible for governments prior to the consummation to be Antichrist in some sense?” Perhaps Hitler in Nazi Germany certainly, that might be an example. But, you see, there’s a caution to us. I mean, whatever problems exist in the government of America today, it’s not yet reached the point of being Antichrist. If you are not satisfied with the government, work within the law to effect change. Work within the law to effect change. The charge given to us as believers in Jesus Christ is simple: “Be subject to the governing authorities.”

Of course, this sword has been given to earthly government. I want to make this comment before we leave the subject of this sword. This sword used to deter evil, this sword of law enforcement has not been given to the church. Hopefully that is clear. This sword has not been given to the church but to the civil authorities. You recall how when the civil authorities came to arrest Jesus Christ at Gethsemane on the night before He went to the cross. Peter drew his sword and Jesus told him to put that sword away. Jesus said “Do you not realize I could at once summon twelve legions of angels?” The church of Jesus Christ does not need this sword of criminal justice. It does not need the sword of law enforcement to protect itself or promote itself.

When Jesus stood before Pilate, Jesus said ”My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world My servants would fight, would take up the sword, to promote My kingdom,” but He said no. This is the message we have in the Sermon on the Mount. It’s difficult for us as Christians because we wear two hats. We live in two kingdoms. Certainly we, as citizens of a nation, can take up the sword to serve that nation. Certainly, we have in our nation the right to bear arms and we have the right to protect our homes. But you see, the Bible is clear. This sword has not been given to the church and as Christians we’re not to take up the sword to serve the church. Not to serve the church.

The Crusaders didn’t understand that. If you’ve read the whole period of history known as the Crusader Period, the Crusaders, from Richard the Lionhearted and on and on, they did not understand this. But there is a sword given to the church and it is a more powerful sword. The sword given to the church is the sword of the spirit which is the Word of God.

We read about this in Ephesians, chapter 6, where the Bible says “Put on the full armor of God that you may be able to stand against all the wiles of the devil. For we are not contending against flesh and blood but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenlies. Therefore, put on the full armor of God that you may be able to stand on the evil day and having done all to stand.” Then the passage of scripture goes on to say, “Take the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.” This is the sword given to the church: the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.

Of course, there is a great struggle in the spiritual realm. There’s a great struggle between light and darkness, between good and evil. In this struggle, the church or Jesus Christ has been given this sword, the Word of God, the sword of the Spirit.

You will recall how our Lord Jesus Christ, when He was tempted in the Judean wilderness, even though our Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God and He is called the Word of God, still when He confronted Satan in the wilderness, Jesus took up the sword. He took up this sword. He took up holy scripture and He quoted scripture three times: “It is written, it is written, it is written.” This is the sword given to the church, and it is true the world is in the grip of Satan. Satan wants the church of Jesus Christ to lay down the sword. The world, because Satan is the ruler of this world the Bible tells us, the world also wants the church of Jesus Christ to lay down the sword.

We live in a world where the Bible is under attack. The Bible is under attack in the media. The Bible is under attack in higher education. The Bible is under attack in the public school system. The world wants the church of Jesus Christ to lay down the sword and some churches are doing it. The world attacks the authorship of scripture. The world attacks the accuracy of scripture. These attacks are not fair. I wish that I had time to go through an apologetic for holy scripture this morning. Most professors in higher education do not know scripture. They do not understand hermeneutics. They do not understand exegesis. They pull scripture out of context. But they have prejudices that lead them to misuse the data they have. Scripture is under attack.

You know, just a brief illustration. I’m sure most of you who have read the Psalms have read Psalm 22. Psalm 22 is a messianic Psalm. Written by David a thousand years before Christ, Psalm 22 prophesies the crucifixion of Christ, the death of the Messiah by crucifixion. Jesus Christ quotes Psalm 22 from the cross when He says “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?” That’s Psalm 22.

In Psalm 22, you read about death by crucifixion. You read how the Messiah will have His hands and His feet pierced. You read about the disjointing of His bones and the dehydration of His body. Crucifixion is clearly described. Even secular scholars acknowledge that Psalms 22 describes crucifixion. Here’s the problem: crucifixion didn’t exist a thousand years before Christ! It was never practiced. How could David have written about that? There would have to be something supernatural going on here, have to be a prophetic element here. In the secular world, that’s not acceptable.

So what have secular scholars done? They late dated the Psalms. They said “Well, the Psalm obviously then wasn’t written by David. The Psalm wasn’t written a thousand years before Christ. The Psalm had to have been written when crucifixion was practiced and when the people of Israel were aware of crucifixion, which didn’t occur until the first century before Christ when the Romans took over Israel. So many secular scholars late-dated the Psalms to the first century BC so there wouldn’t be a prophetic element in the scriptures.

Well, you see, it all fell apart for the secular scholars when the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered at Qumran and they found manuscripts that pre-dated the first century BC of the Psalms. Suddenly, secular scholarship was stuck with the reality that the Bible describes crucifixion in Israel before crucifixion was even known. This is just one example. I’m telling you there are countless examples. It’s hard to imagine the ignorance of some professors of higher education when it comes to scripture and yet their willingness simultaneously to attack scripture.

Our daughter goes to Colorado State University, CSU in Fort Collins. Just this last semester she had a professor blast Christianity, just blast Christianity and blast the Bible and every illustration he used made no sense at all. It showed his ignorance of scripture. He even made this statement: He said “How can you believe in Christianity when the Bible proclaims that only a total of 144,000 people are going to be saved?” What a tragic statement. This poor man, this poor man, he’s misquoting the book of Revelation, misunderstanding the book of Revelation.

But the poor students…the poor students sitting in the classroom. They have no means of knowing that he is not dealing fairly with the holy Bible. No means of knowing. And that’s the world we live in today and I tell you Satan wants the church of Jesus Christ to lay the sword down. The truth of the matter is the world doesn’t like the message of the Bible. The world doesn’t like what the Bible has to say about heaven and hell. The world doesn’t like what the Bible has to say about sin and repentance. The world doesn’t like what the Bible has to say about morals and ethics. The world doesn’t like what the Bible has to say about human sexuality. The world doesn’t like what the Bible has to say about homosexuality. The world doesn’t even like what the Bible has to say about heterosexuality and premarital sex. You see, the world doesn’t like the message of the Bible and the world wants the churches to lay the sword down. Many churches are doing that. I promise you; this church will never do that.

Now we understand that the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, must be inspired by the Spirit. I mean, though we want to faithfully proclaim God’s word, the Word of God, we know we need the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. That’s why the word of God is called the sword of the Spirit. It is the Spirit who has given the word of God. It’s the Spirit who enables and empowers the word of God. We do not cease to pray that God’s Spirit and the anointing of His Spirit would be upon this ministry so that His word would not return void. We do not cease to pray.

I remember when I was in seminary, and I had a seminary professor. To set the context, our Lord Jesus Christ, when He was baptized in the Jordan River, you remember how the Holy Spirit descended upon Him. The Bible says that the dove, as a dove descending from heaven. “Even our Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, was anointed by the Spirit for ministry.”

I remember I had a seminary professor tell our homiletics class, a class on preaching, he said he had a ‘dove and duck’ theology of homiletics. We said “What do you mean?” He said “Well, I mean this: if the dove doesn’t descend, we’re all dead ducks!” That is so true. If that’s true of this church and its ministry, it’s true of each and every one of you. As you go forth into this world, don’t lay down the sword. You are sons and daughters of God through faith in Jesus Christ. Don’t lay down the sword. Study to show yourselves approved, rightly dividing the word of truth.

My hope and prayer is that each and every one of you believes that the Word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and spirit, discerning the thoughts and intentions of the human heart. Our hope and prayer is that you believe that all scripture is inspired of God, profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness…that the man or woman of God might be complete and perfect, equipped for every good work.

So, you know, we have these two swords: a sword that is given to the civil authorities and to earthly government, a sword of law enforcement. With respect to earthly government as Christians, we are called to subject ourselves to that government, to our government. We have the second sword given to the church which is the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God.

You know, last Sunday night, downstairs in the fellowship hall, we had a banquet for our high school graduates here at the church. We gave every high school graduate a Bible. We told them as we handed them their Bibles and as they came forward, we explained to them that we were giving them Bibles because the world is in darkness. The Bible says “Thy word is a lamp unto My feet and a light unto My path.” That’s why we’re giving them Bibles. We’re giving them Bibles, we told them, because the world is fallen, riddled by sin, and the Bible says “Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against Thee.” We gave them Bibles, we told them, because the world is barren and subjected to futility but the Bible says “If My Word abides in you, you will bear much fruit.”

What’s true of our high school graduates is true of each and every one of us here today. We’ve been given the sword. Don’t lay it down; the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. Let’s close with a word of prayer.