Teaching Series With Jim 1990 Sermon Art
Delivered On: March 24, 1991
Scripture: Matthew 21:1-11
Book of the Bible: Matthew
Sermon Summary:

Dr. Jim Dixon highlights the prevalence of biblical ignorance despite widespread access to the Bible. He examines three groups present during Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday: the nationalists seeking political liberation, the materialists hoping for worldly gain, and the legalists who rejected grace. He underscores the unique power of Jesus’ forgiveness and grace, urging listeners to recognize their need for salvation through faith rather than works.

From the Sermon Series: 1990-1991 Single Sermons
Topic: Scripture
Resolutions to God
December 29, 1991
The Topic of Guilt
December 15, 1991
The Greatest Sin
December 8, 1991

MATTHEW 21:1-11
MARCH 24, 1991

500 million copies of the Bible are printed in the United States every year. That is two copies of the Bible for every man, woman, and child in America and yet a large portion of America remains biblically ignorant. A hundred million Americans confess that they’ve never read a single page of the Bible. Recent surveys show that only 42% of the people, men and women of America are able to identify who gave the Sermon on the Mount. Some people actually believe it was given by somebody on horseback. I think it’s safe to say that there are a lot of people in this country that have no idea what Palm Sunday is about. That’s tragic, because when our Lord Jesus Christ entered the Holy City on Palm Sunday, he was inviting all the people of Jerusalem to embrace His reign. And today, in this place on Palm Sunday, Jesus Christ is inviting all of you to embrace His reign.

Now, for some of you, this is indeed the time of your visitation. This morning, I’d like us to examine three groups who are in the crowd as Jesus entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. The first group was a group we might call the nationalists. The nationalists were those whose highest allegiance was to their country and to their nation. In 6 A.D. when the Romans decided to take a survey of the Jewish population, a census for the purpose of taxation, many of the Jews were enraged and indignant. So much that Judas formed a new group of Jews that was called the zealots. The zealots were the nationalists. These were those Jews whose highest allegiance was to Israel. They longed to see Israel freed from Rome and established as perhaps the greatest nation on the earth. The zealots were similar to a radical fringe movement, something like modern day terrorists in the Middle East. Some of the zealots would actually murder Romans and Roman sympathizers. It was the zealot movement, which caused Rome to bring all of its wrath upon the city of Jerusalem so that in 70 AD Titus and his Roman legions swept over the city of Jerusalem and destroyed it. Not one stone of the temple was left upon another, and the zealots fled to Masada. In 73 AD, the zealots died in a suicide pact.

When Jesus came into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, many zealots were in the crowd. These were the nationalists, tired of Roman oppression. For centuries, they longed to see Israel set free. Israel had been a conquered people, conquered by the Assyrians, the Babylonians, by the Mero Persians, the Greeks, the Seleucids, and now by the Romans. For them, the Messianic hope was the hope of political deliverance. As Jesus Christ descended the Mount of Olives and went through the Kidron Valley on his way to the holy city, the zealots in the crowd were all shouting, “Hosanna, Hosanna,” meaning save us. They shouted hosanna because they wanted to be saved from the Romans, they thought perhaps this Jesus Christ would lead Israel to freedom and deliverance. And perhaps he would make Israel the greatest nation on the earth.

Just a few days later, as it became obvious to the nationalists and the zealots that Jesus Christ was not going to politically deliver Israel, the same people were shouting, “Crucify him, crucify him!” And shouting, “Give us Barabbas!” There’s evidence that Barabbas was a zealot. He was one of the nationalists, a political insurrectionist who had been incarcerated by Rome, and a hero to the zealots. They made their choice because they were nationalists. They rejected Jesus Christ and they called for Barabbas.

Some of you may have heard of Nicholas Chauvin. Nicholas Chauvin was a soldier in the army of Napoleon. He was loyal to Napoleon, loved the empire and would gladly die for Napoleon’s empire. Even when Napoleon had been banished and put in exile, Nicholas Chauvin was still loyal to Napoleon more than any other man in France. So much so that people in France said that Nicholas Chauvin had blind, irrational and excessive loyalty to Napoleon. Eventually, the word chauvinism began to describe any person who had blind or excessive loyalty, whether to one’s sex, race, or to nation.

Male chauvinism is certainly a problem in the world today. Perhaps female chauvinism could be a problem too. Racial chauvinism has most certainly caused incomprehensible suffering all over the world. The most dangerous, deadly form of chauvinism is nationalistic chauvinism. Nationalistic chauvinism causes wars and the annihilation of entire populations. The world in which we live today knows that extreme nationalism is dangerous. Some people have suggested that perhaps the solution is globalism and they’re wrong. The thought of a one world global government with centralized power over the earth is a scary thought. The only answer to the problem of nationalistic fervor, is Jesus Christ himself.

The Bible says one day Jesus Christ will beat our swords into plowshares and our spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not lift up sword against nation. Neither shall they learn war anymore. The kingdoms of this world shall become his. If you’re a Christian, if you believe in Jesus Christ, you know even now that there is a government above all governments, a kingdom above all kingdoms, and it holds your highest allegiance as Christians. There’s a certain measure of patriotism that we’re called to. Christians in all generations and places are to be loyal to their countries. My assumption is most of you love America. When Whitney Houston sang the national anthem at the halftime of the Super Bowl and her tears flowed down her face, I think when people saw that they were moved with love for their country. I know I was and before God, that’s great; But, as Christians we understand there is a higher government, throne and power. It’s the government of Christ, the kingdom of Christ, the throne of Christ, and to this government and to this throne we pledge our all.

Now, when Jesus Christ came into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, the nationalists and zealots were not willing to embrace him. They chose Israel over Christ. However, there was a second group in the multitude that day and they were the materialists. The materialists were, perhaps, the largest group in the multitude. It was fine with them If Jesus delivered Israel from Rome, not so much because they loved Israel, but simply because they loved themselves. They loved themselves a lot. if Jesus could deliver Israel from Rome, then they wouldn’t have to pay taxes anymore. In fact, they wanted a Messiah who would usher in an age of prosperity.

They had heard how Jesus fed 5,000 people with five loaves and two fish and they liked that. Jesus warned them that they sought him only because they had their fill of the loaves. They heard how Christ had changed water to wine. In fact, the Bible indicates he made 120 to 180 gallons of wine. They liked that. They heard that Christ healed people enabling the lame to walk and lepers cleansed. He had power to make the blind see and raise the dead. He was able to provide for all their material needs. They look for a new age of prosperity, a Messianic age under the Messiah. And as he came into Jerusalem, that Palm Sunday, the materialists we’re also shouting, “Hosanna, hosanna!” Save us. Save us from taxes. Save us from hunger. Save us from thirst. Save us from illness. Save us from disease. Bring in the age of prosperity. Isn’t that what the world is like today? America wants to hear a materialistic gospel and how tragic it is that in our culture, the gospel has been so blended with our materialistic mentality that it’s hard for many Americans to really know what the true gospel is.

Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker established the PTL Empire. The PTL Empire became a multi-million-dollar ministry business for the national television audience and even international television audience. And of course the PTL Empire came crashing down in Jim Bakker’s imprisonment. Some people say that the reason the PTL Empire crashed was because of greed and sexual indiscretion, and corruption of power. Certainly these were factors but it seems to me the primary reason that Jim Bakker and the PTL Ministry collapsed was because of a false gospel. Jim Bakker preached a false gospel and believed it. It was a gospel of material abundance; “trust God and he will shower you with material blessings and indulge you with the material desires of your heart.” So you see, when Jim Bakker began to receive a salary every year of 2 million a year, he began to indulge his every whim and live in splendor, it didn’t seem wrong to him. He didn’t have the slightest twinge of guilt because it only substantiated his gospel. He had been blessed by God. The gospel he preached, worked. When he fell, millions of his supporters continued to support him because they longed for the same material things that he had longed for. What a tragedy.

It was Madonna who made famous the lyrics, “We live in a material world and I’m a material girl.” We do live in a material world. I noticed this last week, Michael Jackson signed a contract with Sony Corporation. They might give him 1 billion dollars. I noticed this week Ivana Trump reached a settlement with Donald Trump where she received 10 million dollars, the Connecticut mansion and New York City apartment. She says she thinks she’s going to be able to get by. I know we’re all rooting for her. I noticed in the paper this morning Dwight Gooden, who was the pitcher for the New York Mets, is upset because his salary isn’t high enough. He was demanding $5,400,000 a year, just under $2,000 a pitch. Of course, Ricky Henderson of the Oakland A’s was upset because he was only getting a little over $3 million a year. We live in a material world. If you’re a Christian, you’ve been called to be different from the world. We’re not called to materialism. We’re called to seek the things that are above.

Christ is looking for a people who long for forgiveness, purity of heart, salvation for their soul. He is looking for people who want to serve His kingdom and want a kingdom to live and die for. He is looking for people who long for eternal life and fellowship with God. People who long to be brought into a community with brothers and sisters in Christ. The Apostle Paul said there is great gain in godliness with contentment. We brought nothing into the world and we take nothing out of the world. We have food and clothing with these we will be content with. The Bible says the love of money is the root of all evil. The apostle Paul said, “Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”

What is the longing of your heart? If you were in that crowd on Palm Sunday, what group would you be in? The materialists shouted hosanna because they wanted to be saved from taxes, hunger, thirst, illness and disease. They wanted an age of prosperity and they missed Jesus Christ, Jehovah Jireh the one who provides for his people, feeds the birds of the air and clothes the lilies of the field. He does have the power to heal. His material provisions are a byproduct of those who long for spiritual life, long to know him and to know his father, and long to be like him.

There’s a third group in the crowd at Palm Sunday, that we might call the Legalists. These were the Pharisees. They were probably the only group in the crowd that wasn’t shouting Hosanna. The nationalists were shouting, hosanna. The materialists were shouting Hosanna but The Pharisees, the legalists, were mad at everyone who was shouting Hosanna. They said to Jesus, rebuke these people. They believed in the resurrection of the dead, in eternal life and heaven. They longed to go there. They saw the whore of sin and they saw the beauty of the law. Most of them were not particularly materialistic and yet they were not shouting Hosanna, Lord, save us. They thought they were already saved, going to heaven and already conquered sin in their self-righteousness. They believed they’d already fulfilled the law.

As Jesus Christ was going into Jerusalem, that Palm Sunday, he was going there to die. He was going to a cross where his body would be broken and his blood shed. He was going to die for you and me. He went into that city to offer forgiveness, grace and mercy. The last thing in the world the Pharisees wanted was grace, mercy and forgiveness. In their pride, they rejected Jesus Christ.

John Newton was born in London, April 24th, 1725. He was a sea captain of a slave ship and dealt in the buying and the selling of human beings. John Newton lived a life of depravity and debauchery. He was a womanizer and abused women and men. Ultimately, John Newton was captured by pirates and they sold him into slavery. He became a slave to slaves. He found himself crawling in mud and digging for roots that he might find anything to eat as he was near starvation in Africa. He was able to escape as a stowaway and make his way onto a ship that was heading towards England. On the ship he was given a copy of Thomas a Kempis’ book called The Imitation of Christ. As John Newton read that book, the Holy Spirit touched his heart and he gave his life to Christ. He asked Jesus Christ to come into his heart and to forgive him of sin, to wash him, to make him whiter than snow and to give him a new life, hope and eternal life. Amazing transformation. As John Newton arrived back in England, he was a new man and went to seminary. He entered the ministry and became a pastor of a church in London. John Newton wrote 288 hymns, his most famous being Amazing Grace. He knew the meaning of Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I’m found. I once was lost but now I see.

In Bill Moyers’ 90-minute documentary two weeks ago the entire segment was devoted to the hymn Amazing Grace. Everybody wants to sing it, from Johnny Cash to Judy Collins. It’s a beautiful, wonderful hymn. The amazing thing about it is that so many people who aren’t even Christians love that hymn. Why do so many people, even non-Christians, love the hymn Amazing Grace? I think they love it because down deep, most people know they need grace, mercy, and desperately to be forgiven. We’ve got a problem called sin and we know it.

See, most of you are not legalists. You’re not Pharisees. You know in your heart you desperately need grace, mercy and forgiveness. If you know that and you’ve never given your life to Christ, this is the time of your visitation. The Holy Spirit calls you today, invites you to embrace Christ and to accept his grace, mercy and forgiveness.

See, there’s no grace in Islam. You are saved by works and conformity to the five disciplines – the daily ritualistic prayers, fasting in the month of Ramadan, pilgrimage to Mecca, obedience to Allah, and the giving of alms. The word Islam means submission. There’s no grace. There’s no mercy in Hinduism or Buddhism. No grace, no mercy, nobody died for you. You’re saved by karma through a long progress of reincarnation. Salvation by works, no grace and no mercy. Only Jesus Christ offers grace.

If you think you can make it to heaven by works you’re welcome to try but if you know you need grace and mercy, only Jesus Christ offers these and is true. The truth is our works are like filthy rags in the sight of God. None of us have purity in our heart. This morning, on Palm Sunday, Christ invites you to give your life to him so that he would forgive you and give you eternal life. Let’s close with a word of prayer.